Friday, June 29, 2007

Fire the Gird


The Story

We are now in a time when natural disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, and tidal waves are dramatically affecting our planet, and our lives on it. We now have the power to destroy this beautiful Earth quickly, with atomic power, or more slowly, with pollution and devastation of our resources, and overpopulation. I have been guided to tell you that we also have the very real power to save this planet, and to make it a loving and healthy place for ourselves and for future generations. Please take a few minutes to read my story. It will hopefully save our Earth.

I have a story to tell you that I know will be hard to believe in parts, but it has happened to me, and I cannot erase or deny any of it (though at times I wish I could). I am a "normal" woman who grew up in simple yet chaotic times. I am much like you in most every way. I always thought I would be the last one to have a miracle occur in her life, much less two miracles, and all that has happened since. Therefore the tale I tell could be of your life, and not mine. But seeing it is mine I guess I was meant to tell it.

What I want to establish first, is the fact that miracles do happen and they happen to people like you and me. What we need to make these miracles happen is to open ourselves to the communication that is all around us every day. Communication not from this world but from the world of our creator, the cosmos and the universe. The message comes from a distance, but you find it by going inside and believing. We can all create miracles within our lives, and that is one of the main points in writing this for you. I have no special tricks. Simply open yourself to the possibility that what I tell you is possible and that it is available to every person.

I will refer to God in many ways throughout this story. This is strange for me to refer to God in any sense, as I believed he had abandoned me a very long time ago. But I will refer to a prime creator of the cosmos and the universe, along with this earth that we live on every day. I call God the Prime Creator, because I want all those to understand that this story is completely unbiased and unprejudiced to any affiliation with any religion, and the God of my understanding is not only an earthly God, but a universal God. I will also refer to God as mother earth, Gaia, which I came to learn through this journey is the female piece of God. As in everything that is in our universe, you must balance darkness with light, peace with war, and recognize the two faces of God, the female and the male. We are all pieces of this Prime Creator. We are a part of God.

Two miracles happened in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. My son and I drowned in a flooded marsh and not only lived to tell the tale, but we are better than ever. I was "dead" for fifteen minutes. I was told by beings of light how to save myself, and my small son. And I was given a message on how to heal the Earth.

As you are reading this I ask you with all my heart to open yourself to the possibility of what I say. I feel it is imperative that we unite this world as one planet with one common goal - to establish peace and prosperity for all, not just the select few who were blessed to be in the right place at the right time. We are entering a new phase of humanity and what I will tell you in this website will help us as a race to assimilate the changes that the future will bring.

I have not had God in my life for forty years. I did however, as a child, chase the possibility of God. I felt that those people who had undying faith were the lucky ones, and the fact that I believed in nothing made me the loser. As a child I often spoke to God, but never felt heard or connected. It took life throwing me into a flooded marsh and drowning me, to open my eyes to the reality of how much we are all connected to the Divine power. It is showing up now more than ever. You can go on the internet and find thousands of hits about the next phase of humanity, the era of enlightenment and the time of change. These stories are in our religions and in the stories of the ancient cultures such as the Mayans, the Egyptians and the Native Americans. We have all been waiting for the moment when things would be different, for surely God will do something to save us from ourselves. Well there is something in the works, but God is merely directing it through people like me, and it will take the faith of people like you to create the reality. Once again I am getting ahead of myself but in the messages I am receiving, I am being given a way for us all to participate in a healing of mother earth, and a launching of the human race into a time of health, peace and positive change. But for this to happen, you will need to sit in meditation for just one hour of your life.

I once heard in the star trek series "resistance is futile." I did not want to be a messenger for God, but when God wishes our awakening, it will happen. So now I will tell you the truth of what happened to me, after a car accident that occurred in Nov. 2002.

My son and I were travelling to a friend’s house for an afternoon of play, when disaster hit. My car was swept into a flooded marsh after hydroplaning. The car landed upside down in this boggy marsh, and sank to the bottom. I tried to open the car's windows, but the power windows failed and we were trapped inside. I spoke with my tiny son who was four at the time, and assured him that mommy would get him out. The car was filling up quickly with the cold murky water and I held my son's coat tightly in my hand, while I waited to be fully submerged. I hoped that I could open the door after the car equalized with water and we would swim out. My final words to my little boy as the water came over his head was "hold your breath honey; mommy will have us out soon". I watched him take a large gulp of the remaining air, and the water took him. When I felt the last air pocket escape the car I tried the door. It wouldn’t budge! The other door was equally stuck. I struggled with the doors several times, to no avail. We were trapped and going to die.

At this point I took Evan’s little body and pushed it over the seat, hoping beyond hope that he would find air. As I struggled to free us from this coffin on wheels, I realized I had to breathe. As I drank the deep breath of water into my lungs, the fiery feeling added panic to the moment. I wanted my baby back and I swung my arms feverously about in an effort to find his body. I couldn’t, and I needed to breathe again. That is when I heard a voice, a calm majestic voice, directing me to relax. This voice cooed in my ear, reassuring me that all would be well. I was infused with the knowledge that if I fought the water, my rescuers would not be able to revive me when they arrived. The voice said that if I fought the water I would drown…no shit I thought, I get a wise ass ghost on my deathbed. The voice continued to give me instructions about what was to happen, and that all would be well if I just followed the instructions. I relinquished myself to this voice from beyond, and passed quietly into the other side.

While on the other side I saw beings of light, who once again assured me that my son and I would not only get out of this car, but we would both be fine. They were definite in explaining that I must follow instructions implicitly and not lose faith in their words. I was told to have faith that I would be divinely directed, and I was.

It took my rescuers fifteen minutes to pull my lifeless body from that car, and another seven minutes of CPR to revive me. As my body bolted upright, I blurted "get my baby out of the car". Twenty two minutes had passed, the rescuers jumped back into the freezing bog to retrieve my son, knowing against hope, that he was dead. It took rescuers another five minutes or so to get my boy free from that car. His limp body was transported to the IWK Children’s Hospital, where he was immediately hooked to every machine known to mankind.

The team of emergency doctors and neurologists were waiting for me. They assured me that my sweet little boy was indeed brain dead, and in addition to this, his internal organs were full of blood. He was haemorrhaging throughout his body and his organs were non- viable. Things were the most bleak I have ever known. That is when the voice came to me again. "Have faith child." The doctors advised me to unplug my baby and let him pass peacefully, for even if a miracle happened and he did live, he would be a vegetable. "No quality of life", is all I remember thinking. Once again I heard the voice, "have faith". For that moment the doctors agreed to keep Evan on life support, but advised me not to hold out any hope. He had less than one percent chance of living and then he would continue to be hooked to all these machines for the rest of his life. Remember, I had no God, so I could not even call for guidance. It was in the quiet of my first moment alone, that I was given the instructions. "Follow the instructions implicitly", memories of the visions and the voice in the lake flooded back to me. There was someone there with me, I was sure of it, and I decided to listen carefully. I was instructed to rebuild my son’s aura by infusing his little body with the auras of others. Twenty minutes at a time was one of the first rules; for if it was longer, you would drain the aura of the giver. They instructed me to parade loving people through Evan's room, each depositing their own energy field into his lifeless body. They were to do this by connecting their flesh to his flesh and allowing their energy to run through his body, and then to give Evan their “gift." If they sang, they were to sing. If they were story tellers, tell a story, and so on. Infuse him with positive energy and your love and your talents, and this will revive him.

I proceeded against hospital protocol to send loving humans into my son’s room every half hour. They then followed the instructions and gave their gift of love. This procession lasted twenty four hours a day, for three days. Dozens and dozens of people came. They "camped out" everyday and every night; loving trusting souls infusing his lifeless body with fresh energy. The fact that I was able to convince the hospital to allow this unorthodox behaviour to happen was a miracle in itself, but on the third day, after 72 hours of constant vigil, my boy opened his little eyes and recognized me. He was back!!!

The doctors were baffled. They continued to tell me that he would never walk or talk or be a normal child again. However their words this time had no effect on me. The guidance and direction from my spiritual light beings had proved to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that he would be fine; after all, my "friend" in the lake had told me so.

Within the first week Evan had recovered all his body functions, and by the end of the second week, he was running down the halls to the hospital playroom. This was indeed an incredible miracle. What had I done to deserve such reprieve by our Almighty Creator? I didn’t know nor did I care. I wanted to take my son home and be done with the whole nightmare. This is when I realized that I might be done with my light friends, but they were not done with me.

I continued to hear the voices and be directed with both visions and seeing auras. Needless to say, I was more than a little freaked out. As time passed I would ask "What do you want of me?" They would speak of the love for the universe and how things have gone terribly wrong. Humanity has spiralled out of control, and has lost its true connection to God and to this Earth. They want desperately for me to give the humans of this world a message from "beyond," that we have inside of us the power to unite this planet as one race with peace and prosperity for all. This power lies inside us all, and when combined with the loving energy of other humans, we can do for this planet what we did for my son. We can revive this Earth and catapult it into healing. With this healing will come a new phase of humanity. We will have a time of peace and harmony. All it will take is our intention, as a united group, and one hour of our time.

So as the voices and visions unravelled I was given the guidance of how to make this all happen. However it will take many of us on this planet to see to the success of the project. As they told me to rotate the humans through my son’s room, they have told me to unite humanity from every corner of the globe. Not every human, just representatives from every corner. We can do this. We need to unite enough people to fire the divine energy system of this planet and jump start it like we did with my boy.

This global project of loving intention is completely possible. Your intention to make it happen can change the outcome of this planet. I will discuss the details of the plan in phase three of this website. I will give you the directions to follow, and you will see how little it will take for you to become an ambassador of light to our home, planet Earth. I beseech you to join me when we fire the Earth grid on July 17, 2007 at 11:11 Greenwich Mean Time. — 06:11 (6:11 AM) in your time zone — and add your energy to this project. I promise you, just one hour of your time and you can help heal this planet, and help create peace among all people. My son and I are examples of the power of positive energy, and what humans are truly capable of when they unite with the intention of love. Love is the universal language of our world, and the world beyond.

Light and love be with you and welcome to the next phase of humanity; be part of the excitement and please join us.

The Problem

Our world has entered a state of chaos. This earth can no longer support our present habits. She no longer has the resources to supply enough oil, wood or water to sustain all of us living on this planet.

It is not coincidental that I am writing this problem at this time. A prime example of the situation we truly face is looming down on us. The price of oil has skyrocketed and the problem will not rectify itself. The basic supply and demand states that there is not enough oil and the prices will continue to grow.

Also at this point in history we are striving to feed millions of people throughout the world. Extreme poverty is rampant, especially in the "developing" countries. They say that right now, somewhere in the world a child dies of hunger every three seconds. This is another truth that will befall us all if we choose to do nothing to regenerate our planet. We can not raise animals or farm on land that is empty and barren, land that is full of pollutants and demineralised beyond a usable state. This is where we are headed with the farming of both animal life and vegetation. As twenty years ago we could not fathom running out of oil, many of you cannot imagine we will run out of food. We believe there will never be a time that we cannot sustain life on this planet with farming. If you believe that you are gravely mistaken. Extreme poverty is rampant, please don’t allow the fact that you can only see this on TV to desensitise you from the reality that billions of people, the so called top of the food chain, are themselves starving to death. Imagine how we treat the lesser animals of our creator.

Mother earth can no longer filter our pollutants. She is choking to death while we continue to pour more and more toxic solvents into her body. Earth is a living being. She is alive and breathing, yet we continue to treat her with complete disrespect and irreverence. Most like we treat each other. I believe as a race we have plundered the earth to this state of being. Not only have we mistreated and taken for granted our home and provider but we have also done the same to her inhabitants; the animals and plants. Within the next twenty-five years there will not be enough clean water, wood or fossil fuels left to continue supplying this planet with human essentials. To put this is perspective; billions of us will be without food, fuel or water by 2025. Explain that to your grandchildren.

Another great concern is that our oceans are changing rapidly: in some places they are warming, in others they are actually freezing because of the melting polar caps. The melting polar caps are sending millions of gallons of fresh water into a salted ocean and the seas are actually desalinizing. This means the level of salt in the ocean is diminishing and that in turn means the ocean creatures and its vegetation will die with the new water composition. This is very dangerous to us all as our ocean is the lifeblood of this planet.

The Earth has always changed: once Antarctica had a tropical climate; once Nova Scotia was actually a part of Africa and once dinosaurs thrived everywhere. There is no preventing the natural evolution of the planet. However, with our pollution we are causing global warming. And with our nuclear testing we have shifted tectonic plates. And what goes into the vast spaces left when we remove the oil from the centre of the Earth? We are escalating global changes. The severe and numerous hurricanes we have experienced in recent years are clear signs that we must make changes in how we treat this planet, or our lives will be dramatically altered.

Our world is full of anger and war, human against human destroying the earth and millions of humans in the name of religions and greed. As with our resources, we are blazing through this planet, without regard. Destroying all that is placed in its path. The next phase for our warring planet is to take our sickened attitudes into space and bombard our atmosphere with even more pollutants. Our governments would have you believe so greatly in global threats that they would risk our dear planet by creating war in space. Please remember it is our governments’s agenda to raise money for wars. This money sustains the economy but war will create destruction of us all and we must join in unison to insist that our war does not become a cosmic war. If we are to destroy our planet it must remain only our planet and not the galaxy.

I have mentioned several aspects of how we will eliminate the human race from this planet if we do nothing. I am not a chemist or Ph.D. in physics. I am sure many of you are not accredited with expansive degrees either but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to resonate with the truth of my words. I am including sites from many of the Ph.D. types for you to further research and confirm what you already know, that we are indeed deeply in trouble. The light beings have told me we can stop much of this harmful behaviour and destruction if enough humans decide that they want to become spiritually connected. It is possible to re-form a grid connection between us that will allow us to realign the energy of this planet and with each other. They have told me that on July 17, 2007 at 11:11 Greenwich Mean Time. — 06:11 (6:11 AM) in your time zone — there will be a surge of creation energy which will make our reconnection possible. Please read about this in The Plan. There is hope for a miracle!

The Plan

For the past two and a half years light beings have been communicating with me frequently. At first, I was very uncomfortable with this, as it was so foreign to what I believed and how I lived. But as time has gone on, I have grown enormously in my faith in our creator, and my belief that there is much more to life than what we generally physically experience. There are other dimensions that are just as real as ours. And there are forces of good that truly want to help us

The light beings have explained to me that we are all connected by Source energy. This connection has a grid-type configuration, so to make things simple, I’m just calling it "the Grid." There are small grids connected to the large grid. For instance, each species of animal has its own grid. This allows easy communication between animals. I’m sure you’ve wondered how salmon know when to travel upriver to spawn, or how monarch butterflies all know to fly to Mexico, or geese to fly in perfect formations. Their connection to their grid allows them to know where to go and when to go. In the Asian tsunami very few animals died. That is because they were informed through their grids that danger was coming.

Human beings chose many thousands of years ago to disconnect themselves from a collective grid, so that they could have free will. This severance has allowed us to make our own decisions and be independent. But it has also allowed us to make many mistakes which have adversely affected this planet. And it has made our direct communication with The Source more difficult. We are now at a turning point when our disconnection could mean the end of the earth as it now exists.

You have just read about how this earth is being harmed by us. This is the section I happily present as the plan to help remedy the situation in which we find ourselves. This is the plan which will allow us to more fully connect to the earth grid and begin the healing of this planet. Together we will reset Mother Earth with a bio-electric "SURGE OF LOVE" from humanity. When we do sit in meditation simultaneously and fire the Grid for one hour, we will unite the globe and connect all the regions of the earth simultaneously. In the process, we will unite our souls in love, peace, harmony and collective cooperation for a better world for our people, today and in the future.

The plan, was given to me by the same light beings that guided me while I was drowning in the lake. They have been with me since that time and have been delivering to me information about our world and how we, with love and unification, can pour our loving intention of peace and healing into this earth. They want to set us on the path for a healthy planet, viable and working now, and for the generations that follow. They also want to direct us to the way to enlightenment and union with the Divine.

The light beings use the term "fire the grid" when they speak of the energizing of humanity with divine power, on July 17, 2007. They say firing the grid will accomplish two things. First, it will pulse healing energy into the center of the earth and regenerate the core, or the heart of the planet. Just as we poured our energy into my dying son, we will individually give the gift of our true intention, the gift of our individuality and the gift of our healing energy. As they explained, my son’s energy field was badly deteriorated, as is the Earths. We must pour some of our living energy into the Earth, and the accumulation of our combined energy will regenerate the Earth. They told me humans are like little lightening rods, channelling God's energy to the planet. Because we have separated ourselves from our complete connection to The Source, by not having a fully functioning human grid, God's energy has not been able to easily flow into the Earth. If we choose to come together to rebuild our grid, then the natural flow of energy between us and God, God and the Earth, and from person to person, will be restored. Do you see what a wonderful gift you will give? This energy will live on eternally with the earth and its inhabitants; the splendour of the creator’s intention for us realised in the creation of this new energy field for our planet.

How do we do this you ask? The time has been set for July 17, 2007 at 11:11 Greenwich Mean Time. — 06:11 (6:11 AM) in your time zone — I have been given no indication about why this date and time have been chosen, but this date has been told to me over and over again. I have been asked to bring together as many humans as possible, throughout the world from every corner of the globe, to simply sit and pray or meditate for one hour during that time. Hopefully, with your help, we will amass a union of humans, such as the world has never seen. Loving humans with one intention - to heal our planet and awaken our souls to our true purpose… to become one with our Source of Light.

This planned sitting of the people of earth will demonstrate the love and faith we feel for the goodness of our world and her inhabitants. We are the catalyst to the healing of earth. A true believer has the power of ten fold, so if you only think you may believe, know that the faith of the others will boost your own faith and the power will be intensified. That is why we must all sit at the same time. We will feed each others power, strengthening the force of delivery and compounding the energy we send into the core of our home. Each and every one of us is important alone, but together we are a very powerful source of creative energy. Remember we are all a piece of God, and that energy of creation lives in all of us.

There are three types of humans today that will bring power to this project. First, we have those of you already practicing in an organized religion. I am not asking you to change any of your faiths or truths, just know that if the God of your understanding is truly omnipotent, then all things are possible - so why not this. What better use of our human energy and prayer than to heal the earth and unite mankind with God's grace and goodness.

Then we have those who have been searching outside the organized religions to find a different, more individual way in which to believe and live in the light of our creator. We each search for a more individual way in which to know God. These people I refer to as the new age light workers. These light workers will feel the truth of these words and will simply know deep inside that the plan of which I speak is indeed a truth, a clear direction in which you can be of assistance to the Earth.

The fence sitters make up the third type. I call you fence sitters because you truly wish you had faith but the state of the world has beaten any faith out of you. You long for the loving touch of faith; however you feel that God has abandoned us. Two and a half years ago this was me. I had become hardened to the reality of the world and had no faith that God would ever intervene and save us. I was angry at God for letting us down and delivering us such chaos. However I have seen that God has only provided us with that which we desired. We believed we were sinners and not worthy of Gods love. We were lost to the fact that we are a piece of God and therefore able to participate in our lives with the Creator. Now to all of you who were like me, I issue a challenge. Suspend your scepticism for just one hour of your life, and just sit, alone or with others, to think about the beauty of this planet, to appreciate all that you have and all that you are, and to give hope for an improved future for us all.

This plan involves only one hour from each of us. Our combined energies will work to direct energy to the Earth and to each other. I ask you to choose the way in which you deliver your intention. For those of you that pray, then pray for the hour asking for the faith and power to accomplish this tremendous task. Those of you, who meditate, meditate and see the intention of your thoughts swirling deep inside our earth delivering the love and healing. Those of you who have no ritual of faith may simply develop one that works for you. If you sit quietly and repeat a phrase of your intention such as “I offer you my energy to heal this world and its people." Any positive words of hope, love and desire for change will manifest these thoughts as reality - our new reality. If possible, gather with others during this hour. I have found that the intensity of my meditation heightens when I am sharing the experience with other people.

On my journey to building this website I have been enchanted by the music of Bradfield and Anael. They have been playing the background music for this website. I have been informed by my light friends that the frequency of the song "Sky Sent" will facilitate the opening of the soul and help with the frequency adjustment. As we enter a time of more loving energy the frequencies of our earth will heighten. The tonal frequencies of this song awaken a sleeping piece of our soul to remind us of the potential within us all. This song is available for download, and if you listen carefully with your heart, you will not only hear the truth in the words but your body will feel the stirrings of remembering who you really are. We need only open ourselves to this possibility to feel the music’s gift. For those of you interested in expanding yourselves with other loving tones built into music I suggest you experience "Buddha Spirit" , a meditation CD by the same artists, or the "Spiritual Beings on a Human Journey" CD by Anael, from which "Sky Sent" originates. This music will facilitate with the ascension process. You are a part of God entitled to all the wonder and splendour of the Creator’s earthly gifts. [Ed.: The background music playing on this website is from the album Within our Reach.]

This project is going to work. Remember this process brought back a dying boy, and I have been promised it will work on a global scale if we can find the humans to participate. In the Bible, it is said that they could not save Sodom and Gomorrah for want of ten good people. We are being offered the opportunity to save ourselves by offering only an hour of our lives. We can call out to the universe that Earth has good people here. We can show the Divine creator that there are enough of us here who truly want to evolve and become what we were intended to be.

I have been told that help is being sent to us. We can help create a miracle. My son is now running out in the yard, delighting in his life. A miracle saved him. This gift of Divine energy, and our willingness to help make it happen, will save us all. Please join us on July 17, 2007 at 11:11 Greenwich Mean time — 06:11 (6:11 AM) in your time zone — , to bring the power of God’s love to us all. In choosing to participate you will be defining your intentions to the universe and you will also be defined as a human who desires positive change for this planet.

Be defined and ignite a beacon of light in your soul so that we may be recognized by the world, the universe and each other.

CONTINUE to Preparation

--- (Explore the grid systems)


All contents ©2005-2006 Shelley Yates. All rights reserved. Site created by Sight & Touch